Collaborative Research Grants


Collaborative research grants are intended to stimulate cooperative research among scholars who have a focus on a clearly identified research project and for interdisciplinary work with scholars outside the field of religion. Collaborative project proposals are expected to describe plans for having the results of the research published.

The grants can provide funds for networking and communication, and to support small research conferences only if they are designed primarily to advance research. Conferences presenting papers that report on previous research will not be considered.

Grant funds are not provided for indirect or overhead costs, research assistance, supplemental salary, stipends, released time, publication or subvention costs, transcription or translation costs, or travel to attend the AAR November Annual Meeting.

Grants range from $500 to $5000 USD.

Please read the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information. You can also view a list of past winners.


  • A research group must apply through an AAR member designated as the Project Director
  • The Project Director must have a current AAR membership
  • Project Directors must have completed the doctorate
  • A research group cannot have a Project Director and/or a Collaborator who has received an AAR research grant in the previous five (5) years
  • Not all project collaborators need to be AAR members

How to Apply

The Project Director must meet the qualifications and be an AAR member in good standing.

The Project Director must submit the application form and required materials through the online AAR grant application submission system.  

Late, emailed, or incomplete applications or materials cannot be accepted.

Project Directors should be prepared to upload the following required materials, all of which should be compiled into a single document in PDF or Word format:

  • Cover Page:
    • Project Director's name
    • Project Director's institutional affiliation (if applicable)
    • Project title
    • Grant type
    • Requested grant amount (USD)
    • Collaborator names and institutional affiliations (if applicable) 
  • Abstract - 50 words or fewer describing the project
  • Two-paged focus description
    • Description of the research project with details about the aims and significance, and explanation about how the award would be used
    • Collaborative project descriptions should include brief descriptions of the scholarly role of each collaborator and a plan to have the research published
  • Project Budget and Timeline
    • Budget and timeline that includes a description of the expected costs related to the research project, and an itemized list of the expenses (USD)
    • Budget should include other sources of support—e.g., funds granted by your institution, funds requested from outside agencies—and indicate the total award amount sought from the AAR
  • Curriculum Vitae
    • A CV of no more than two pages for the Project Director
    • A CV of no more than two pages for each collaborator
  • Signed Consent: Signed consent that the project information (including applicant name, project title, project abstract, and portions of the narrative report) may be used on the AAR website or in related AAR publications. There is no required formatting, but the signed consent must be included as a separate document/page 

Additional materials will not be considered.

Selection Process

All eligible grant proposals will be reviewed and assessed by the AAR Research Grants Jury using the following criteria:

  • Clarity and focus of the research to be pursued
  • Contribution to scholarship in a field or subfield of religion and significance of the contribution for advancing the understanding of religion or for advancing interdisciplinary discussions between religion and other humanistic and social science disciplines
  • Adequacy of the overall work plan, including goals, objectives, and time frame for the completion of the project

Winner Notification and Expectations

  • Notification of the application status will typically be sent by March 1 to the Project Director
  • For awarded projects, the Project Director will be responsible for all correspondence
  • For awarded projects, the Project Director must maintain their AAR membership throughout the grant period
  • For awarded projects, research expenses can be undertaken anytime within the calendar year of the award year
  • For awarded projects, grant funds will be made payable to the Project Director in the form of an electronic funds transfer. The AAR will issue the Project Director a Form 1099 in the amount of the grant for income tax use. The Project Director will be responsible for any applicable income taxes due on the grant revenue.
  • By January 31 of the following calendar year, the Project Director must submit an expense report along with a report on the research supported by the AAR grant

Grant Reports

The Project Director must submit the following reports by January 31 of the following calendar year:

  • A narrative description of the research supported by the AAR grant and the project outcomes
  • A financial report detailing expenses

Submit an Application

To apply, click the button below which will take you to our online grant application submission system accessible only to current AAR members.

Submit an Application

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I apply for a research grant without an institutional affiliation?
YES – There is no institutional affiliation requirement.

I am working on multiple research projects. Can I apply for more than one grant?
YES – AAR members who meet the eligibility requirements may submit more than one research grant proposal. If selected however, only one grant proposal will be funded to a member who submits multiple proposals.

Can I submit my proposal to more than one AAR grant program?
YES ­­– AAR members who meet the eligibility requirements may submit a grant proposal to more than one grant program. If selected however, a member may only receive funds for one grant program.

Not all of our Collaborative Research Grant project participants are AAR members. Are we still eligible to apply for a grant?
YES – For a Collaborative Research Grant, only the Project Director must meet the AAR membership eligibility qualifications.

Can we apply for a Collaborative Research Grant if one/some of our participants have not received the doctorate?
YES – For a Collaborative Research Grant, only the Project Director must have the doctorate.

Grant Expenses

If I am seeking funds for my project from other institutions/agencies, do I need to include the other sources of funding in my budget proposal?
YES – When submitting your budget proposal, please include information about any other sources of funding or possible funding.

What are the research expenses that are not allowed?

Ineligible grant expenses include the following:

  • Dissertation Research
  • Indirect and/or Overhead Costs
  • Publication and/or Subvention Costs
  • Release Time
  • Research Assistance
  • Stipends
  • Supplementary Salary
  • Transcription and/or Translation Costs
  • Travel to attend the AAR November Annual Meeting


Questions may be sent to [email protected].




September 3, 2024 | 6 PM ET

Award Amount

$500 to $5,000