Past Winners

Individual Research Grants

2024 Individual Research Grant Winners

Alda Balthrop-Lewis, Australian Catholic University
Contemplation in a Broken Nation: Studying Politics with Thomas Merton

Meghan Clark, St John’s University
Catholic Social Teaching Case Study: Global Sisters Vaccination Network & The Principle of Subsidiarity in Practice

Mary Dunn, St. Louis University
The Enfants Trouvés of Quebec: 1800-1845

Isaiah Ellis, The University of Toronto
Apostles of Asphalt: Race, Empire, and the Religious Politics of Infrastructure in the American South

Cesar Favila, University of California, Los Angeles
Divine Eloquence in Spanish Penitential Songs from Franciscan Missionaries

Sarah Luginbill, Trinity University
Material Devotion: Portable Mass Kits, American Catholics, and the World Wars

Alyson Prude, Georgia Southern University
Across the Himalayas, Back from the Dead

Celeste Ray, Sewanee: University of the South
The Cure: Healing Soils, Flora and Fauna at Ireland's Holy Wells

Alexandra Rodriguez Sabogal, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Dissent Devotions: Religiosity and Sex Work in Twenty-first Century Latin American Literature

Ludger Viefhues-Bailey, LeMoyne College, Syracuse
What Makes Movements Decrying “Gender-Ideology” and Promoting “Gender-Complementarity” Politically Salient in Secular Democracies?

Jeffrey Wheatley, Iowa State University
Religious Fanaticism and Race in Nineteenth-Century US Psychology and Law

2022–2023 Individual Research Grant Winners

Emilia Bachrach, Oberlin College
Gender and Asceticism in Contemporary Gujarat

Rebecca Bartel, San Diego State University
Rites and Rituals of Protection: Cultural Production and (re)Weaving Social Fabric in Post-Peace Accord Colombia

Molly Bassett, Georgia State University
Unwrapping the Bundle: Theory & Method in the Study of Mexica-Aztec Religion

Hans A. Harmakaputra, Augustana University
Christian-Muslim Relations after Conservative Turn in Indonesian Islam

Mary Kate Holman, Fairfield University
At the Edge of the Church in a Changing World: The Life and Thought of Marie-Dominique Chenu

Levi McLaughlin, North Carolina State University
Religion and Politics in Japan after the Abe Assassination

Alexandra Prince, Skidmore College
Bedwardism: The History of an Afro-Jamaican Religious Tradition on Trial

Briana Wong,
Phillips Theological Seminary
Indigenous Midwives in the Formation of West African Catholicism

Gina A. Zurlo,
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Putting the Pacific Islands on the Map: Gender, Climate, and Christianity

2021–2022 Individual Research Grant Winners

Natalya Cherry, Brite Divinity School - Texas Christian University
John Wesley: A Single Life in Communities

Nathanael Homewood, Rice University
Finding Benny Hinn: Global Entanglements in Pentecostal Faith Healing

Janna Hunter-Bowman, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Beyond Sanctuary

Monique Ingalls, Baylor University
Gospel Music Goes to Uni: Musical Navigations of Religious Affiliation and Social Identity in British University Gospel Choirs

Cristina Lledo Gomez, BBI - The Australian Institute of Theological Education
A babae theology: Embracing an indigenous maternal-feminist hermeneutic for migrant Filipinas

Jennifer Ortegren, Middlebury College
New Neighbors, New Muslims: Gender, Class, and Community in Contemporary India

Jodie Vann, Dickinson College
Paeons to a New Age: The 1987 Harmonic Convergence and Contemporary “Spiritual, but not Religious” Tourism in Yucatan, Mexico

Wei Wu, Emory University
Buddhist Modernism in China’s Heartland

2020–2021 Individual Research Grant Winners

Anne Blankenship, North Dakota State University
Religion, Race, and Immigration: How American Jews, Catholics, and Protestants Faced Mass Immigration, 1882-1924

Gudrun Buhnemann, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Patanjali as an Authority on Yoga

Stewart Clem, Aquinas Institute of Theology
Free Speech, Hate Speech, and the Christian Theological Tradition

Niki Clements, Rice University
Michel Foucault and Ethics in a Time of Crisis

Nicole Kirk, Meadville Lombard Theological School
Railroad Religion: American Religion on the Move

Candace Lukasik, Washington University in St. Louis
Middle Eastern Christians and the War on Terror: Coptic Christians as Martyrs and Migrants

Leonard McKinnis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Divine Blackness: Race, Religion, and Imagination in the Study of Diasporic African American Religion

Mandy McMichael, Baylor University
Pageant Preachers: Cultural Ordination and Women's Quest for Power

S Brent Rodriguez-Plate, Hamilton College
The Spiritual Life of Dolls: Religious Technologies from Adam to Barbie to AI

Merin Shobhana Xavier, Queen's University
The Dervishes of the North: Rumi, Sufism and the Making of Popular Spirituality in Canada

2019–2020 Winners

Sophie Bjork-James, Vanderbilt University
Religion and Opposition to Organized Racism in the Northwestern United States

Michel Chambon, Hanover College
Spring Couplets and the Materialization of Chinese Christianity

Emily Clark, Gonzaga University
Spiritual Matters: American Spiritualism and Material Culture

Brian A. Hatcher, Tufts University
Where have all the Giris gone? The rise and fall of a monastic network in Bengal

Andre E. Johnson, University of Memphis
The Henry McNeal Turner Project

Breanna J. Nickel, Augustana College
Balthasar Hubmaier’s Expulsion of the Regensburg Jews

Valerie Stoker, Wright State University
In Charisma’s Wake: Writing the Early History of the Mādhva Brahmin Movement

Luke Whitmore, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Ecology, Post-Secularism, and Cosmopolitics in the Central Indian Himalaya

Rebecca Wollenberg, University of Michigan
God’s Monograph: Medieval Jewish Reading Practices and the Emergence of Modern Judaism

2018–2019 Winners

Evan Berry, American University
Petro-Religion: Fossil Fuel Extraction and Contemporary Religious Life

Katherine Dugan, Springfield College
Catholic Family Planning and American Catholic Identity

April Hughes, Boston University
Proscribing Practice: Local Rituals and Buddhist Practice in Medieval Dunhuang

Blateiskhem L.Nongbri, John Roberts Theological Seminary
Interface of Colonialism and Tribal Religion in the Indian Context: A Postcolonial Reflection

Alexander Rocklin, College of Idaho
Becoming Hindu: The Imposture of Religion and the Power of India in the Afro-Atlantic World

Jessica Starling, Lewis and Clark College
Leprosy, Social Work, and Ethical Praxis in Contemporary Japanese Buddhism

2017–2018 Winners

Elissa Cutter, Loyola Marymount University
Angélique Arnauld: Writings of Reform; Mother Angélique Arnauld, Théologienne

Justine Howe, Case Western Reserve University
Muslim Students and the Making of American Islam

Amy P. Langenberg, Eckerd College
Pragmatic Moral Reasoning and Innovative Social Living  in Female Buddhist Monasticism Past and Present

Davina C. Lopez, Eckerd College
Heretic’s Daughter, Historian of Religion: Emilie Grace Briggs (1867-1944)

Monique Moultrie, Georgia State University
Hidden Histories: Faith as a Site of Black Lesbian Activism

Anthony M. Petro, Boston University
Provoking Religion: Sex, Art, and the American Culture Wars

Brad Stoddard, McDaniel College
“‘I was in prison and you visited me’: Florida’s Faith-Based Prisons and the
Carceral State”

Pamela Winfield, Elon University, NC
Ritual Memory Bodies at Eiheiji Zen Monastery, Japan

2016–2017 Winners

Shatha Almutawa, Willamette University
Playing with Gender and Modernity: Tango in Secular Muslim Contexts

Eileen Barker, London School of Economics (Emeritus)
The Breaking of the Moonies? An Investigation into the Schismatic Tendencies of a New Religion on the Death of Its Founder

Brett Esaki, Georgia State University
Grace Lee Boggs’s Spirituality of Sustainability

Michal Raucher, University of Cincinnati
"Officially and Halakhically Here to Stay": Orthodox Female Clergy in Israel and America

Matthew Riley, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Reading Beyond Roots: The Theological and Weberian Aspects of Lynn White’s Scholarship and Lynn Townsend White, Jr.: Collected Writings on Religion and Ecology

Kristy Slominski, University of Mississippi
Teaching Moral Sex: A Liberal Religious History of Sex Education

Hugh Urban, Ohio State University
The Path of Desire: Living Tantra in Northeast India

2015–2016 Winners

Kate Bowler, Duke Divinity School
Copastor: Women and Power in American Megaministry

Huaiyu Chen, Arizona State University
The Buddhist Monumentality and Its Paradox: A Study on the Stone Lanterns in Medieval China

Heon Kim, East Stroudsburg University
Sufism in Modern Turkey from the Tanzimat to the Republic: A Documentary Study

Sara McClintock, Emory University
Transactional Reality, Transactional Truth

Brenna Moore, Fordham University
‘Among Winged Beings’: On the Poetics and Politics of Catholic Orientalism in Europe (1917–1960)

Murray Rae, University of Otago, NZ
Testimonies in Stone: Theology and the Spatial Arts

Karen Ruffle, University of Toronto
Somatic Shi'ism: The Body in Deccani Material and Ritual Practice

Darla Schumm, Hollins University
Religion and Disability in America

Sarah McFarland Taylor, Northwestern University
Mediating Eco-Piety: Television, Environmental Moral Engagement, and Popular Culture

Theodore Vial, Iliff School of Theology
Salon Jewesses: Religion, Gender, and the Creation of the Public Square

2014–2015 Winners

Anna Bigelow, North Carolina State University
Objects of Devotion: Islam, Material Religion, and Interreligious Relations in India

Lee H. Butler, Jr., Chicago Theological Seminary
Introducing Africana Pastoral Theology: A Narrativized Historiography

Jill DeTemple, Southern Methodist University
Contemporary Catholic Missions in Rural Ecuador

Rebekka King, Middle Tennessee State University
Judaism, Jesus, and Evangelical Rabbis: A Study of Jewish Affinity Christians

Kevin O’Neill, University of Toronto
For Christ’s Sake: Crack, Christianity, and Captivity

Storm Swain, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
Case Studies for Teaching Disaster Spiritual Care

Heather R. White, New College of Florida
Gay Liberation at the Church of the Holy Apostles

2013–2014 Winners

Julius Bailey, University of Redlands
 “That Hardy Race of Pioneers”: The History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the American West

Kim Haines-Eitzen, Cornell University
Listening to the Desert in Late Antiquity: Landscape, Sensory Experience, and the Religious Imagination

Harold Morales, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Latino Muslim by Design: Race, Religion, Media & the Making of Minority Identities in America

Brian Pennington, Maryville College
Natural Disaster and Divine Agency: Hindu Theodicies of Climate Change

Leela Prasad, Duke University
Moved by GandhiA Documentary Film

Mark Rowe, McMaster University
Female Priests in Japanese Temple Buddhism

SherAli Tareen, Franklin and Marshall College
Islam, Tradition, and Democracy: The Case of the Deoband Madrasa

2012–2013 Winners

Antoinette DeNapoli, University of Wyoming
In the Time of Cell Phones, Cable, and the Internet: Paradigms of Modernity and the Changing Face of Gender and Renunciation in North India

Prabhavati C. Reddy, George Washington University
Bathukamma: A Festival of Song and Dance of a Flower Goddess

Nora L. Rubel, University of Rochester
Recipes for the Melting Pot: Reading The Settlement Cookbook

Sonja Spear, University of Iowa
Unmasking Halloween: Americans Play with Love, Fantasy, and Death from the Gilded Age to the Present

Adriaan van Klinken, University of Leeds
Homosexuality, Christianity, and National Identity in Postcolonial Zambia

2011–2012 Winners

Sarah Azaransky, University of San Diego
Benjamin Mays and Black Religious Internationalism, 1936-1948

Evan Berry, American University
Religious Organizations in Global Environmental Politics

Jonathan Ebel, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
G.I. Messiahs: Soldiering, War, and American Civil Religion

Vincent Lloyd, Syracuse University
Black Natural Law

Eric Mortensen, Guilford College
Tales of the Unseen: Nags myi rgod Stories of the Tibetans of Geza

John Nemec, University of Virginia
The Kingdom of Knowledge:  Politics, Culture, and Religion in The Vale of Kashmir, 6991149

Jeffrey Samuels, Western Kentucky University
Being Buddhists: Multiple Minorities in Malay-Muslim Malaysia

Hugh Urban, Ohio State University, Columbus
“Zorba the Buddha”: Globalization, Late Capitalism, and Postmodern Spirituality in the Osho Movement

Albert Wuaku, Florida International University
Mambos, Houngas, and Health in the Diaspora: A Study of Vodou’s Role in the Dispensation of Health in South Florida

2010–2011 Winners

G. William Barnard, Southern Methodist University
The Sacred Drink of the Forest: An Exploration of the Santo Daime Tradition in Brazil

Shin-yi Chao, Rutgers University
The Revival of Communal Religion in Present Northern Rural China: The Worship of Lady Wei (251–334 AD) as a Case Study

Connie Lasher, Santa Clara University
"Ignatian Humanism" and Ecological Identity: Extending the Legacy of Jesuit Higher Education

Cuong Mai, University of Vermont
The Cult of the Goddess Quan Am in Medieval Vietnam

Martin Nguyen, Fairfield University
The Social and Textual Landscape of a Medieval Muslim Scholarly Community

Michael Penn, Mount Holyoke College
The Automated Scribal Identification Project

2009–2010 Winners

Chad Bauman, Butler University
Religious Identity, Conversion, and Hindu-Christian Conflict

Philip Freeman, Luther College
The Letters of St. Patrick and Early Patrician Literature

Rabia Gregory, University of Missouri-Columbia
Marrying Jesus in the Later Middle Ages

David Hollenberg, James Madison University
A Portrait of a Contemporary Scholastic Community under Siege: The Zaydi ‘ulama’ (scholars) of Sanaa, Yemen

John Nelson, University of San Francisco
Experimental Buddhism in Contemporary Japan

Brent Plate, Hamilton College
A Sensual History of Religion: Stones

Christine Shepardson, University Tennessee, Knoxville
Controlling Contested Places: Fourth-Century Antioch and the Spatial Politics of Religious Controversy

2008–2009 Winners

Thia Cooper, Gustavus Adolphus College
Theologies of Immigration: Faith and Practice in Brazilian-American Community

Margaret Cormack, College of Charleston
Saints in Icelandic Placenames and Folklore

Susan Ross, Loyola University Chicago
Exploring Global Feminist Theologies in a Postcolonial Space: A Learning and Research Immersion Project for Feminist Graduate Students and Post-Graduates from Africa to the US

A.Whitney Sanford, University of Florida
Gandhi’s Environmental Legacy: Food Democracy and Social Movements

Caroline Schroeder, University of the Pacific
From Ascetic Ingenue to Jephthah’s Daughter: Children and the Representation of Children in Early Christian Monasticism

Laura Stivers, Pfeiffer University
Making a Home for All in God’s Compassionate Community: A Feminist Liberation Assessment of Christian Response to Homelessness and Housing

Liz Wilson, Miami University
Buddhist Gender Matters: The Sexed Lives of Celibate South Asian Buddhist Saints

2007–2008 Winners

Julius Bailey, University of Redlands
Making a Homeland: Race, Religion, and the Meaning of Africa in the Nineteenth-Century African Methodist Episcopal Church

Jennifer Eichman, Seton Hall University
Buddhist-Inspired Contemporary Art: Zhu Ming and His Network

William P. Harman, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Suicide Bombers Become Goddesses: Women, Apotheosis, and Sacrificial Violence in South Asia

Steven Heine, Florida International University
Sacred High City, Sacred Low City: A Tale of Religious Sites in Two Tokyo Neighborhoods

Jennifer G. Jesse, Truman State University
There's a Methodism to His Madness: William Blake as a Religious Moderate

Greg Johnson, University of Colorado at Boulder
Religion in the Moment: Contemporary Lives of Indigenous Traditions

Frank J. Korom, Boston University
From Guru to Shaykh: Bawa Muhaiyyaddeen and the Making of Transnational Sufi "Family"

Leela Prasad, Duke University
Annotating Pastimes: Oral Narrative and Religion in Colonial India

Miranda Eberle Shaw, University of Richmond
Buddhist Goddesses of Tibet and Nepal: Final Phase of Fieldwork

Kerry Martin Skora, Hiram College
Recollecting Minling Thrichen Rinpoche's Vision: The History and Contemporary Lived Experience of a Seventeenth-Century Mindroling Monastery and Its Holy Landscape in Central Bhutan

Manuel A. Vasquez, University of Florida
Performing Identities and Spaces among Brazilian and Congolese Immigrants in London and Atlanta: The Case of Two Transnational Religious Networks

2006–2007 Winners

Linda L. Barnes, Boston University School of Medicine
Chinese Religious Healing in America: A Social History, 1849-2004

Wendy Cadge, Brandeis University
Paging God: Religion in the Halls of Medicine

Heidi Campbell, Texas A&M University
Exploring How Religiosity Shapes Media Use & Interaction in a Global Information Society in Israel

Frances Garrett, University of Toronto
Organization and Analysis of Digital Editions of Tibetan Religious and Medical Histories

R. Marie Griffith, Princeton University
Holy Sex: Christians and the Sexual Revolution, from the Kinsey Reports to True Love Waits

Karline McLain, Bucknell University
Envisioning Hinduism: Raja Ravi Varma and the Visual Canon

Donald S. Prudlo, Jacksonville State University
The Anti-Heretical Efforts of Peter of Verona: An Investigation into the Lived Religion of the Medieval Italian Laity

Megan H. Reid, University of Southern California
Judging Race and Religion: Pierre Crabites and African American Muslims in Early Twentieth-Century Cairo

Sufia Mendez Uddin, University of Vermont
Speaking the Same Language: Muslim and Hindu Veneration of Bonbibi

Archana Venkatesan, St. Lawrence University
Embodying Memories: Performance and Ritual Culture at the Vishnu Temple of Alvar Tirunagari, South India

Michael J. Zogry, University of Kansas
Playing or Praying? The Cherokee Anetso Ceremonial Complex and the Performance of Cultural Identity

2005–2006 Winners

Grace G. Burford, Prescott College
B. Horner and the Transmission of Buddhism to the West

Jamsheed K. Choksy, Indiana University, Bloomington
Whither the Zoroastrian Minority Amidst Sectarian Sociopolitics in Contemporary Iran

Jane Naomi Iwamura, University of Southern California
Altared States: A Cultural History of the Japanese American Home Shrine

Meritxell Martin-I-Pardo, The University of the South
The Role of Multicultural Festivals in the Creation of Hindu Discourses of Religious Self-Representation

David L. McMahan, Franklin and Marshall College
The Making of Modern Buddhism

Lori Pearson, Carleton College
Gendered Elements in Troeltsch's Theories of Protestantism and Modernity

Michael Penn, Mount Holyoke College
Imaging Islam: Syriac Christian Responses to the Islamic Conquest

Craig R. Prentiss, Rockhurst University
"Terrible, Laughing God": Challenging Divine Justice in African-American Anti-Lynching Plays, 19161945

Timothy M. Renick, Georgia State University
Preemptive Justice? Just Cause, Unrealized Threats, and the Grounds of War

Omid Safi, Colgate University
The Many Lives of RumiTextual and Oral

Julius N. Tsai, Texas Christian University
The Cult of the Master in Late Tang Daoism

Hugh B. Urban, Ohio State University, Columbus
Matrix of Power: Blood, Kingship, and Sacrifice in the Worship of Mother Goddess Kamakhya

2004–2005 Winners

Paula Arai, Carleton College
Healing Buddhist Women: Japanese Rituals of Transformation

Robert M. Baum, Iowa State University
Messengers of God: Diola Women Prophets in a West African Religious Tradition

Gudrun Buhnemann, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tantric Iconology of Nepal

Jacob Paul Dalton, McMaster University
Beyond Anonymity: Paleographic Analyses of the Dunhuang Manuscripts

Nicola Denzey, Harvard Divinity School and York University, Toronto
Gendering the Journey: Women's Lives and Deaths from the Catacombs of Rome 200400 CE

Paul C. Kemeny, Grove City College
The First Moral Majority: The New England Watch and Ward Society and Moral Reform Politics in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century America

Lance D. Laird, Boston University School of Medicine
The Profession of Islam and the Health Care Profession in Boston

Charles William Miller, University of North Dakota
The Bible in the Pacific: Ideology, Interpretation, and Colonialism in 19th Century Hawai'i

Vijaya Rettakudi Nagarajan, University of San Francisco
Trees in Temples and Temples in Trees: Sacred Groves and the Commons in Tamil Nadu, India

Diana Walsh-Pasulka, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Child Immortality in the Nineteenth-Century United States

2003–2004 Winners

Shahzad Bashir, Carleton College
Bodies of Saints: Religion and Society in the Late Medieval Islamic East

Sid Brown, University of the South
Violence at the Intersection: Understanding American Buddhism Through the 1991 Arizona Thai Temple Massacre

Kathryn McClymond, Georgia State University
Ritual Gone Wrong

Daniel J. Meckel, Case Western Reserve University
Gods in the Family: Possession and the Coming of Age in the Hindu Himalaya

Jin Y. Park, American University
Pojo Chinul and Hwada Meditation in Korean Buddhism

Sally M. Promey, University of Maryland
The Public Display of Religion in the United States

Arlene M. Sanchez Walsh, DePaul University
Workers for the Harvest: Latino Pentecostal Migrant Workers during the Dust Bowl

Valerie Stoker, Wright State University
Harming the Common Good: A Kirpan Case in Quebec

Michael D. Swartz, Ohio State University
Judaism and the History of Vedic Sacrifice

Janet H. Tulloch, Carleton University
Hearing the Female Voice in Early Christian Art and Archaeology: the Links between Roman-Trier 'Speaking Cups' and Inscribed Speech on Early Christian Banquet Scenes

Nelly van Doorn Harder, Valparaiso University
History of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchs in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century