2024 NEH Grant Recipients

Congratulating the AAR Members Awarded NEH Grants

Since its creation in 1965, NEH has awarded more than $5.6 billion for humanities projects through more than 64,000 grants. Congratulations to the following AAR members for being awarded this year. 

January 2024 

Elaine Fisher, Stanford University 

Project Title: India’s New Religion: Recovering the Voices of Caste Across the Boundaries of Language
Project Description: Writing and revision of a book manuscript identifying the historical origins of India’s newest religion, Vïraśaivism. 

Katie Bugyis, University of Notre Dame

Project Title: Medieval Liturgy: Tutorials for Students, Teachers, and Researchers
Project Description: A three-year project to develop a set of teaching videos on medieval liturgy for students and faculty at Notre Dame, as well as the scholarly or lay community at large.

John Modern, Franklin and Marshall College

Project Title: The Book of Akron: A Global History of Rubber and Religion
Project Description: Archival research in support of a book on the social, economic, and technological history of Akron, Ohio

April 2024

Emann Allebban, Providence College

Project Title: Women, Philosophy and the Islamic World
Project Description: Research and writing leading to an article about the intellectual contributions of Sitt al-‘Ajam Bint al-Nafis, a female Islamic philosopher in 13th-century Baghdad.

Jeremiah Coogan, Santa Clara University

Project Title: The Invention of Gospel Literature: Literary Criticism and the Politics of Reading in Early Christianity
Project Description: Writing a book about the second and third century Mediterranean intellectual culture that led to the creation of the “gospel” as a literary genre.