JAAR Seeks Book Review Editor

The academic journal of the American Academy of Religion, the Journal of the American Academy of Religion (JAAR), seeks a Book Review Editor to work with the journal’s Editor, Andrea Jain. This year-round, volunteer position does not require the Book Review Editor to relocate. The term of appointment begins November 1, 2023 and lasts two years, with the possibility of renewal.

The successful candidate will be familiar with the issues concerning the politics of book reviews recently raised in our journal in “The Person of the Author: Constructing Gendered Scholars in Religious Studies Book Reviews” and committed to critical reflection about how to work with the editorial team to avoid perpetuating historical power dynamics in our field.

The Book Review Editor manages all aspects of the book review section for the four annual issues of the JAAR, working closely with the Editor to select from among the hundreds of books published in religious studies each year for review in the JAAR and to commission reviews. Tasks also include recording and monitoring the progress of reviews; editing; copy-editing; reviewing proofs; contacting publishers to secure books for review; occasionally organizing a book review roundtable or review essay; possibly working with the Editor to develop new review features; and working with the JAAR’s editorial team and our staff at Oxford University Press and American Academy of Religion to ensure timely publication of reviews. Editorial assistance will be provided.

The ideal candidate will have a passion for books; a keen interest in identifying those books that have special importance for the readers of the JAAR; time to stay on top of published books year-round; ability to use the online tools available for streamlining the book review process; and institutional support as needed (this might include work space or a course release). The position requires membership to the AAR and travel to the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion each year (some financial support will be provided).

The successful candidate must have a doctoral degree in religious studies or a related field at the time of application. Scholarly editing or copy-editing experience is required. Strong editorial skills and knowledge of the Chicago Manual of Style are required.

If you are interested in applying, please submit a letter of interest and a CV to the JAAR Editor, Andrea Jain, at [email protected]. Review of applications begins immediately. The post will remain open until filled.