AAR Member Note

Heejun Yang

Books and Publications

Asian Case Studies on Translating Christianity: Toward God’s Self-Communication and the Trinitarian End of Asian Theology

From the publisher:

"Asian Case Studies on Translating Christianity brings historical expressions of Asian Christianity into contemporary theological conversation. The book offers case studies of Jingjiao Christianity in Tang China, the Jesuit mission in Ming China, indigenous theology in colonial Korea, and contemporary Asian-American theology. The case studies especially examine how the names and understandings of the Trinity have been changed in the processes of borrowing, erasing, and elevating the meanings of Eastern local concepts to translate the message of Christianity. Not only are these diverse expressions of Christianity unique and valuable in and of themselves, but they testify that diverse understandings are a God-given phenomenon. Heejun Yang draws on contemporary theological hermeneutics to argue that it is the self-communicative nature of God that helps articulate the diverse understandings of God in these cases. Yang posits the Triune God as both the starting and ending points of the Christian hermeneutic process and claims that this understanding can be a way for the church to embrace different Christian communities while moving forward in their own unique complexities."

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