AAR Member Note

Elinor Pierce

Books and Publications

Pluralism in Practice: Case Studies of Leadership in a Religiously Diverse America

From the publisher:

"Pluralism is an ethic for living together in a society as diverse as ours is today. This accessible collection of twelve case studies in pluralism in practice includes brief scenarios, framing questions, and updates on some of the key dilemmas and decisions we encounter in our multireligious encounters and lives. The book is an introduction to the case method created at Harvard University’s The Pluralism Project, inviting close reading, reflection, and discussion into the dilemmas and disputes of our multireligious society for people who are professionally or passionately involved in developing and fostering our multireligious future.

Each featured case study begins with a brief scenario. These scenarios, informed by the case method, serve as an introduction to the case text, including key questions to consider. An edited version of the (A) case study follows, bringing thick description and rich detail to each dilemma, and ending at the point of decision. This decision point structures the narrative, generates reflection, and energizes discussion as the reader pauses to consider an additional set of questions. This is followed by an edited version of the (B) case, which describes how the decision or dilemma was resolved. After each, the author provides an update on the protagonist and the specific problem they faced."

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