WebinAAR: How to Get Published in the JAAR


July 17, 2024
2:00 PM ET
Presented on Zoom



The premier academic journal in religious studies, the Journal of the American Academy of Religion (JAAR) publishes top scholarly articles covering the full range of world religious traditions together with provocative studies of the methodologies by which these traditions are explored.

In this webinAAR, JAAR Editor Andrea Jain will be joined by Managing Editor Jacob Boss, Editorial Board Member S.B. Rodriguez-Plate, and two recent JAAR authors, Ahmad Greene-Hayes and Sharday Mosurinjohn. They will discuss a variety of issues related to publishing in the JAAR, ranging from process and logistics to the state and direction of the JAAR, editorial priorities, and tips for prospective authors.


Ahmad Greene-Hayes | Harvard Divinity School

Sharday Mosurinjohn | Queen's University 

Andrea Jain | Indiana University

Jacob Boss | Queen's University 

S.B. Rodriguez-Plate | Hamilton College