February 2023 Events and Opportunities

Below, find upcoming events and open calls for papers, grants, fellowships, and more. 

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Calls for Papers       

  • Bridging the Gap – Texts, Commentaries and the new Audience: The study of commentaries (sharḥ, ḥawāshī, nukat) has steadily increased in recent years. Yet many aspects of this genre of scholarly writing, its function and its context need further research. Why did commentary become the preferred mode of authoring, across almost all the scholarly disciplines in medieval Islam? (Deadline: February 15)

Fellowships, Grants, and Further Scholarship    

  • Islamic Studies MA Dual Degree - Columbia University & Aga Khan University: During this unique program students focus on the critical academic study of Islamic religious and intellectual traditions and on the diverse regional histories, cultures, and social formations of Muslim communities around the world. Students spend the first part of the program at Columbia University in New York, and part two at AKU-ISMC in London, and receive degrees from both institutions. Full funding available. (Deadline: February 9, 2023)
  • Aspen Religious Fellows: This program aims to develop new academic approaches or practical solutions to the most pressing questions on religion and public life in the United States today. (Deadline: February 24, 2023)
  • USHMM: Religious Approaches to Understanding Rescue During the Holocaust | The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum announces the call for applications for the 2023 Annual Faculty Seminar on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust entitled “Religious Approaches to Understanding Rescue During the Holocaust.” The seminar will explore the religious dimensions of rescue during the Holocaust and the historiographical development of the study of rescue. The seminar will explore how to address complex dynamics, such as baptism, conversion, antisemitism, the return of children after the war, and the relationship between Christian rescue and Christian complicity. (Deadline: March 10, 2023)
  • ACLS Leading Edge Fellowships: In 2023, the ACLS Leading Edge Fellowship Program will offer 22 two-year fellowships partnering recent humanities and interpretive social sciences PhDs with organizations advancing social justice and equity in communities across the United States. (Deadline: March 15, 2023)
  • Lindsay Jones Memorial Research Fund 2023: We encourage applicants and proposals from a range of built environment disciplines (e.g., architecture, landscape architecture, sacred arts, urbanism, interior design, environmental psychology, material culture, phenomenology, etc.). Project proposals should identify one of the four principal areas of the fund: scholarly research, practice, service, or teaching. Successful applications might propose projects in a range of venues and media including, but not limited to, scholarly writing, film or other broadcast media, built works or projects, community engagement programs, or educational innovation. (Deadline: April 1, 2023)


Submit an Announcement

The AAR accepts calls for papers, grant news, conference announcements, and other opportunities appropriate for scholars of religion. All listings will be reviewed before posting and may be edited. Please include a link to your website. 

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